Saturday, October 08, 2005

Remember to keep them close

I had a friend in highschool. We were pretty close, for a time. As a matter of fact, she was my girlfriend for an official two days in the 9th grade. Anyone who really knows me understands that this is a pretty big deal, since I'm an "avowed" homosexual. But, we all experiment when we are young, no? Anyway, we never got past first base.

A few years ago I heard that she had killed herself. I hadn't heard from, nor seen her in many years before that. Sadly, I also hadn't thought of her for a very long time.

Hearing the news struck a cord within my heart. Lesson? Don't let friends drift away unless you mean to.

Anyway, here's what I wrote, the day I heard........

i found a star
in my sky tonight
i did not see it go
as i have not looked
in so very long a
i do not remember
the last time i saw
only memory that
i did
and that it
in my sky
some other time
some other


Kassi Gilbert said...

This gave me shivers... Very good!

diggincookin said...
